The Fundraising Efforts
Wow... So apparently when parents get involved in something ... they REALLY GET INVOLVED. The fish fry has turned into a HUGE SOIREE! There will be chicken, ribs AND fish, tables and a tent and indoor and outdoor music, possibly entertainment? HA ... just kidding, but my parents are tryna go over the top with this. I am excited though because I guess this is the psuedo farewell party. But those types of parties are always emotional since they make it seem like you are never coming back. But I am grateful none-the-less for such involved parents. Seems like just yesterday I was frolicking around with the neighbors' kids. Ah ... memories. Well anyways ... everyone is certainly invited to come through and get a dinner to support my travels. The date is June 3rd, dinners are 10 bucks and the party is from 2-6pm. Contact me for directions and more. 3 WEEKS TO TAKE OFF!!!